In a similar manner, Ethiopia has established its own tradition of interpreting and commenting on the Biblical and Patristic texts. The oldest religious nations that have Holy Scriptures (Torah, Bible, Koran, etc.) developed methods of commentary that help to discover the truths and values of the scriptures. It will be an essential resource for those studying late antique art and history, Ethiopia, eastern Christianity, New Testament textual criticism, and illuminated books. Lavishly illustrated in colour, this volume presents all of the Garima illuminated pages for the first time and extensive comparative material. The Garima texts and decoration demonstrate how a distinctive Christian culture developed in Aksumite Ethiopia, while also belonging to the mainstream late antique Mediterranean world. The origins and meanings of the decorated frames, portraits of the evangelists, Alexandrian circular pavilion, and unique image of the Jerusalem Temple are elucidated. Analysis of these tables of numbered parallel passages, devised by Eusebius of Caesarea, contributes significantly to our understanding of the early development of the canonical four gospel collection. Like most gospel manuscripts, the Garima Gospels contain ornately decorated canon tables which function as concordances of the different versions of the same material in the gospels. As this work shows, their artwork is closely related to Syriac, Armenian, Greek, and Georgian gospel books and to the art of late antique (Coptic) Egypt, Nubia, and Himyar (Yemen). They provide glimpses of lost late antique luxury gospel books and art of the fifth to seventh centuries, in the Aksumite kingdom of Ethiopia as well as in the Christian East. The three Garima Gospels are the earliest surviving Ethiopian gospel books. In its comprehensive consideration of the EOTC's past and present, this book examines the interplay between tradition and context in biblical interpretation and contributes to current biblical scholarship. This is evident in the contemporary hermeneutics and sermons of EOTC preachers.

It is noteworthy, particularly in the African context, that it has its own commentaries on the Scriptures, which continue to serve as a vital tradition in the EOTC's interpretation of the Bible. It has also developed and maintained its own ecclesiastic tradition in the Ethiopian context and has its own distinctive way of reading the Bible. The EOTC has existed from earliest years of the Christian church. Those who visit Ethiopia experience its unique spirituality, which is significantly informed by the presence of the EOTC. In doing so, it illuminates the interpretation of the Bible in a particular historical and cultural context and presents a compelling example of the contextual nature of biblical interpretation.

As a whole, books written in the Geez language and on parchment are numerous.This book explores the biblical interpretation of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church (EOTC). The canon of the Ethiopic Bible differs both in the Old and New Testament from that of any other churches. We receive the one and other with equal veneration. The Sacred Scriptures are the written word of God who is the author of the Old and New Testaments containing nothing but perfect truth in faith and morals.

The word of God is not contained in the Bible alone, it is to be found in tradition as well. Links | THE ETHIOPIAN ORTHODOX BIBLE PROJECTThe Holy Scriptures are one of the two great foundations of the faith and here is what our church holds and teaches concerning it. THE LITURGY OF THE ETHIOPIAN CHURCH - Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo. If you don't see any interesting for you, use our search form on bottom ↓.
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